
Most mornings I try to start my day with a motivational quote.  This morning this one crossed my path: “If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up.”

Whoever first came up with this saying probably did it with good intentions — to motivate and not discourage.  However, I can’t say I fully agree with what exactly is being said here.  Sure, you could say that falling off the wagon could be considered giving up — but is it really?  Is straying from your workout regimen or your beyond ridiculous meal plan considered giving up?  Is going out with your friends to enjoy a drink or two considered giving up?  Is eating pizza and ice cream with your boyfriend giving up?

I don’t think so.

I know what you’re thinking.  “Isn’t she supposed to be talking about fitness and healthy living?  How is drinking alcohol and eating pizza healthy?”  The truth is…I believe it IS healthy!  We as human beings are complex creatures.  Our health isn’t solely physical.  What about our mental and spiritual health?!

I firmly believe in living a life of balance.  The more you restrict, the more you will fall off the wagon and “give up.”   Living a healthy life is all about BALANCE!  80% should be focused on your physical fitness and consuming a healthy diet.  However, the other 20% should be ENJOYING life!  Have that slice of pizza!  Go out with your friends for that cocktail!  If you’re doing this 20% of the time, you’re not going to derail yourself!

Just be mindful about what you’re doing.  Don’t let your girls night out turn into a week of poor eating choices (been there, done that).  Remind yourself of your goals, and get right back to it!

And that leads me into my day today.  Today, even though I’m getting back on the horse this week, I’m going out with a few girlfriends to enjoy a few beers at a new brewery.  Sure, I just started back into a routine of healthy eating — but I also need to practice balance.  So here I am, two days in, and I’m already taking advantage of that 20%.  Oh well!  It just means that I’ll add an extra workout in tomorrow to utilize the extra carbs I’ll be consuming.  No big!  I’m not going to punish myself for wanting to go out and have a good time.  I’m just going to stay mindful throughout the day, make sure I eat healthy balanced meals leading up to my night, and then make sure I go right back to my routine the following day.  No sweat!  I like to write myself a positive, goal oriented note on a post it and hang it on my bathroom mirror so that when I wake up the morning after a “cheat meal” I can refocus on my goals.

Health and fitness should be integrated into your lifestyle!  It shouldn’t be a burden you have to carry, or a fad diet that you can’t maintain.  It should be practical and reasonable in order for you to keep with it.  It may take some time, but you will find your balance!

You only have one life to live, so enjoy it!

Stubbornness with a Purpose

My boyfriend always says I’m the most stubborn person he’s ever met.  I take that as a compliment — I don’t give up easily.

I admit it.  I am stubborn.  But you know what, being stubborn has served me well over my lifetime.  It’s gotten me through some of the worst times of my life because I refused to give up.  I refused to let this world get the best of me.  I was not willing to give up on what I believed was right — what I believed I deserved.  Some could see that as being stubborn, and some could see it as persevering.

Today, my stubbornness (or perseverance), led me to going to the gym even though I was flat out EXHAUSTED.  I had zero desire to drive 20 minutes to the gym, and then make my body do things I just did not want to do.  But you know what —  I am stubborn, and I made myself go.  I made myself sweat, and by the end of the workout I was so glad that I went.  I always feel better after a good workout.  Endorphins are so underrated.

I also was stubborn when it came to my diet today.  I wouldn’t let anything compromise my goals.  I was determined to hit my intake goal — and I did.  Sure my goal was small, but I could have very easily have given up on that goal for the day and shoved my face full of ice cream.  But I didn’t because, you know, I’m stubborn.

Perseverance is just stubbornness with a purpose.

Happy Tuesday, friends.

Get back on the horse. 

I feel like I’m discovering a long lost friend.  It’s been almost A YEAR! What?! 

I guess we can do a short recap…

I planned on covering more of my amazing trip to Oregon, but apparently the task was daunting enough for me to “forget” or get “too busy” to do.  Needless to say I covered the best day of the trip.  Small things like running out of gas at Mt. St. Helens, or making a fairly suggestive friendship with a fellow solo traveler can’t compare to my first day there… so we’ll let that go.

The new job is fantastic! I love having a life away from work.  I’m making new friends and getting to see a lot more of my family.  I forget sometimes how good I have it compared to my last job, but try to remind myself daily of how lucky I truly am!

As for health and fitness… I’m going through a phase of little motivation and carb cravings out the wazoo. My workouts have maintained,  but the diet aspect has failed.  Crashed and burned is more accurate.  Spontaneously combusted also would be appropriate. 

However that’s all a part of this journey we call life.  So in order to combat my laziness and lack of motivation,  I turn to my little blog world where I can find my balance again and resume the life I want to live.  This will not be easy seeing as how I basically have to retrain my body and mind to eat healthy and enjoy the burn of working out.  This is no simple task to undertake.

I’ve learned that motivation isn’t some muse that comes to you, sits on your shoulder and whispers in your ear to get your ass in the gym (I picture a little drill sergeant). Instead, you have to give yourself the motivation. Fake it til you make it! Before you know it, you’ll trick yourself into liking the gym! Make the commitment and stick to it! You wouldn’t miss an interview, so why miss the gym?
So, even if you’ve fallen off the horse a hundred times, motivate yourself to get back up there and ride! Don’t give up on yourself.  Be your biggest cheerleader.  You’ve got this!

1. Eat clean meals.  Listen to you body and respond appropriately.  Only consume whole foods… especially when consuming carbs! One step at a time here.  We’ll get to a meal plan soon. 

2. Exercise.  4 lifting days and 2-3 cardio/ HIIT days.  Get them in! Make an appointment in your calender.  Write it down.  Keep yourself accountable.  

3. Drink.  Aim for 5 bottles of water a day.   Lemon water first thing in the morning, and then continue throughout the day.  

Oregon: Wet and Wild

Let me start by saying how nervous I was to take a trip completely by myself. I’m the kind of person who hates to have dinner by myself, and who gets lonely easily. You would then think I would be the wrong person to be travelling solo. 

I learned quickly that travelling on your own is unlike any experience you’ll ever have in your life.


My flight was early Saturday morning, and it was a fairly easy trip. I had a car reserved and had booked an Air BNB for my stay. I’ve never used Air BNB before, and had no idea what to anticipate. But I did anticipate the hosts to be expecting me– which they were not, considering they were still sleeping at 12:30. 

I did get into my room, but quickly (and awkwardly) left for downtown Portland. I had food trucks on the brain and couldn’t wait to fill my rumbling belly. I was in such a hurry that I forgot the location where I finally found parking, and therefore lost my car. 

Happy first day of travelling alone. 

I found my car, I ate street food, and wandered around Portland for a few hours. I tried to hit some key places I wanted to see, and bought some souvenirs to take home. The Saturday Market along the waterfront was definitely my favorite stop of the day– such nice people, good food, and cool, uniquely Oregon crafts. 

I turned in early due to jetlag, but was excited for the following day of sight-seeing. 


This was easily my favorite day of the entire trip. Such beauty and magnificence lie in the mountains of the West Coast . 

The Gorge itself is massive– carved by volcanic eruptions and yet still from water. It is one of the most impressive sights to behold. I was lucky enough to have planned this trip in the peak of Autumn in Oregon, and the color made the Vista even more impressive. 

I decided to drive on the scenic byway vs the highway for all the obvious reasons. The drive was gorgeous, and had many reasons to stop along the way– most being the waterfalls. 

Most of these were right off the side of the road, but a few required about a mile worth of hiking to reach. The most amazing of these waterfalls was Multnomah Falls. The grandiose, double teared falls drew in an excessive amount of tourists and sported a (reasonably  priced)  gift shop as well as a restaurant. However, the many people, while very nice, were too much for my nature searching spirit, and I moved on to my next stop: Mt.Hood.

My search for solitude was achieved as I climbed this giant for about 40 miles on unpaved, mudslicked, and narrow roads with not another car in sight for half of the trip. Cell service was sparse, and I could feel my anxiety begin to increase – – what had I gotten myself into. 

While the drive seemed perilous, it really was one of the most spectacular moments  of my trip. 

I was lucky enough to have a clear enough day to see, not only Mt. Hood, but also Mt. Rainier at a very far distance. Its so hard to believe that this is real, and not a painting someone dreamed up. The beauty of this earth is astounding!! It is impossible to believe that this world was anything but created, for its beauty is unparalelled.

I made my way back down the mountain and stopped for dinner at Big Horse Brewing. Juan, the bartender, was incredibly inviting and provided me with much entertainment and many good brews. 

I went to bed that night looking expectanty to what the rest of my time in the cascades had in store. 

HIIT this!!

I’ve been getting a lot of people asking me what HIIT is and why do I try to get so many sessions of it in during a week span.  Well, let me explain…

HIIT stands for high intensity interval training.  Just by the name we can start to determine what HIIT is.  It is a type of interval training (A.K.A. circuits) that alternates short bursts of intense anaerobic exercise with periods of rest or less intense activity.  Now, we’re going to get a little “sciencey” here, so bare with me.  Anaerobic exercise consists of any activity that yields lactate.  Lactate is produced when the demand for energy is high.  The body then breaks down glucose (energy in the form of sugar)  which then is oxidized to form lactate.  This entire process is to ensure the energy needed to preform is delivered to the muscles.

Phew, ok. I’m tired of science talk.  Moving on!

An example I think most everyone has done in their lifetime is an Indian run.  In high school gym class everyone had to get into a single file line and jog around the track.  The last person in line had to sprint to the front of the line until everyone had their turn sprinting.  That is a form of HIIT (not my favorite I might add). Other examples include sprinting circuits, and weight lifting circuits.

The kinds of HIIT workouts I like to do are more weight lifting oriented, but still include a cardiovascular element.  Here’s an example of a HIIT workout I did last week:

15 jump squats
20 climbing planks
30 mountain climbers
45 seconds of rest
Repeat 4 times.

This workout involves a lot of muscle strength, but also has a cardiovascular element to it.  Not only did my muscles get tired, but so did my lungs.  I was panting like crazy after just the first round!

From my own experience, and from what I’ve heard from others, HIIT workouts are great for burning fat.  Typically after a HIIT workout (versus after a aerobic exercise) your body will burn more calories because these workouts are more vigorous than, oh, say, running on a track for an hour.  Your body will continue to burn calories for up to 2 hours after you’ve finished exercising!

So if I’m trying to shred down during the summer for bathing suit season, or have an event I need to slim down for, I will incorporate more HIIT workouts into my weekly routine!  However, there is nothing wrong with doing HIIT on the regular!  For someone who doesn’t like purely weight lifting, or purely running on a treadmill, HIIT is a great option!  20 minutes of HIIT 3-5 times a week is a great start to see some results!!  Just don’t forget your diet!

If I missed anything, or anyone has questions, please ask!



Things happen…

It has been FOREVER!  I feel like I have been running around like an idiot for the past 3 weeks!  I feel like as soon as I accepted this new position and put my notice in at my old job my life has just been FLYING!  I haven’t had time for much other than what was necessary — including my workouts and eating habits.  Upon the completion of my last day, Art (my boyfriend) and Clayton (his son) packed up the car and headed up north to my parent’s house for my sister’s beautiful wedding.  Pretty much my entire family was there, and whenever we get together there is a TON of food.  Between the rehearsal  dinner, reception, and leftovers…  I could barely move by then end of the weekend.  Before I knew it Monday rolled around and it was time to start my new job!  Turns out, this job is almost as hectic as my last.

Now here we are at Friday and I feel like I have accomplished nothing in a very long time.

Now I know that typically I set my goals on Monday’s, but in this case I feel it necessary to set them NOW versus later when I may get sucked back up into the world wind of life.  Oh, and these goals are going to be so very basic.  I feel as though I almost have to start all over again.  This three week detour has got me all muddled.  I’ve never been more happy for a regular schedule!!!


  • Eat clean foods.  Stay away from processed junk.  Go grocery shopping, prep a few lunches, and plan dinners out (since I now will have time to cook!!).
  • Hydrate!!  Especially since the foods I’ve been eating haven’t been the best, I want to detoxify my body from all of the garbage I put in it.  Start every morning with a glass of water and the juice of half a lemon, and then make sure to drink another 4-5 bottle throughout the day.
  • Make your workouts. No excuses!  I feel so much better after I’ve gone to the gym and gotten a good workout!
  • Stop shopping…  Yes, this is completely unrelated to health/fitness, but it does have everything to do with balance!  This new job required me to take a pay cut, so with that being said, no more luxuries!  Instead of going to a store…go to the gym!  Then I gotta get my butt home!

While these goals are basic, and  I feel pretty confident I can achieve these this upcoming week, I need to start small and build back up to where I was.  This might seem like starting over, but it absolutely is not! I’ve accomplished these goals so many times, I know that by starting here, I can make my foundation even stronger to build upon. I can fly through this week and crush these goals without a problem so that next week’s goals can be more progressive.  However, if I didn’t start here I’d be afraid I’d overload myself, stress myself out, and then ultimately fail. Who wants to fail?  NOT ME!

What are some of your goals?


A little behind…

Talk about a crazy weekend.  Work has me running around crazy for my last two weeks, and this weekend was just the start, I’m afraid.  As you all know by now, I like to do a recap of my week on Sunday’s so I can see how I did on my goals — what worked, what didn’t, and what to change.  So, quickly, I recap:

  • Continue doing well with avoiding cookies, but add french fries in to the mix as well.
  • Continue drinking 5 bottles of water every day!  Nuun tablets for the win!
  • Keep it positive.
  • Work three high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts into my weekly routine.  This will help me lean out some since I hate doing cardio.

Cookies?  Check!  French fries?  Not so much check… I did pretty well over all. I stopped myself from snacking throughout the week, but I had a breakdown on Sunday.  I was exhausted and delirious after having worked 26 hours in 2 days.  I tried to talk myself out of eating junk food, but I guess we all have our moments of weakness…

Water intake…yet again suffered.  I didn’t use my nuun tablets because…well because I didn’t have time!  Chalk this up to yet another reason I’m excited to be leaving my job for a slower paced career.  I can actually take the time to care for myself.  You know, eat and drink — things people have to do to survive.  I can’t tell you how many nights I’ve come home from work and just cried because I’d failed reaching the goals I had set– that this desire I had to be fit and healthy was being thwarted by this so called career.  Well, NOT ANYMORE!!  🙂

Keep it positive.  It’s hard for me to be anything but positive knowing that I have this HUGE change right around the corner!  Not to mention my sisters wedding, my trip to Oregon, and the fact that I get EVERY holiday off this year!!  I can’t tell you the last Thanksgiving dinner I was able to attend…  Seriously, you guys!  I am SO thrilled!!

The HIIT workouts did not get worked in.  I think I got 2 in, but not 3. Whether it be excuses or time constraints, I didn’t get them in, which is just unacceptable!

— Side note —

Before I started writing this, I felt as though I had a horrible week.  I hadn’t accomplished any of my goals, and I just failed in every way.  However, after writing this and going over my recap, I realize that I didn’t fail!  I had a few set backs, and one weak moment of bad eating, but that’s not failing!  That’s balance!  I got right back up on the horse today. I got my workout in.  I ate healthy all day.  I didn’t let my “failure” of a week bring me down.  That’s what Monday’s are for though, right?  A fresh start!

Goals for this week:

  • Cookies/fries – stay committed!
  • Water – put in the work to get in 5 bottles.  Use the Nuun tablets!  You can do this, Rosann!
  • Keep it positive.  Remember!  You only have 9 more days left until you’re done with this sweatshop!  You can make it 9 days!  And then there is just oh so much to look forward to!
  • HIIT workouts.  This is non negotiable.  Schedule them.  Make them happen.  Chose three days to get these in.  It’s 15-20 minutes.  You can make that happen.

At the end of the day, life is about balance.  Achieve you goals, but don’t give up when setbacks occur, because they WILL occur.

You got this, babe!  Keep up the fight!


McConnells Mill Hike

I decided to head out here to break in my new hiking gear for Oregon.  Only made it 3 miles into the trail before turning around(it was a tough one!), but I definitely accomplished what I set out to do: break in my gear, get away from civilization, and get in a good workout!  I ended up sweating more from this hike than from my back workout earlier this morning!


Lessons learned from this hike today:

  1. Wear high top socks.  Otherwise…blisters.
  2. Don’t wear a tank top to go backpacking in.  The straps rub really uncomfortably against your shoulders.
  3.  Bring snacks!  With all of the energy I was expending hiking up and down this mountain, I got hungry about a third of the way into the hike!  Luckily I was prepared with some fruit and nuts, but even after I got home I was STARVING!  Food is a must!
  4. Water! I filled my camel back backpack to the brim, and still almost drank the whole thing!  I was only out for 3 hours, but apparently it was a rough 3 hours!
  5. Remember bug spray.  I didn’t get bitten (luckily) but the bugs were still pesky!  Would have liked to have had some sort of repellent.


I’m quite happy with how this turned out.  I got to try out my gear, get a good workout, troubleshoot some issues that I may come across when I get to Oregon, and I got explore a beautiful wooded area!  Nothing but wins!

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Now, who wants to go on another hike with me?!  Where would we go?  I want to know!!


Come on, October!

So much news!

First of all, a few weeks ago I booked a solo trip to Oregon for late October mainly to view the Cascade Volcanoes (Mt Hood, Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Rainer).  I haven’t been on real trip for a very long time, and I have never been on a trip by myself.  So it goes without saying that I am both incredibly excited and exceptionally nervous at the same time.  The traveler in me is overjoyed!  I love seeing new places and discovering what the world has to offer.

My parents were all about travelling when I was a kid.  My sisters and I were always going somewhere every summer!  I even spent my 7th birthday in Germany!  We looked forward these trips every year, and now, as an adult, I look forward to them even more as they serve as an escape from the harshness of reality.  Vacations are nice, but exploring the world is addicting!

I remember bits and pieces of the Cascades from when I was a kid, all of them being fond memories.  These memories only increase my excitement for my upcoming journey!

Nerves, however, come into play as well.  I’m definitely uneasy about travelling alone.  I’ve done more research and planning for this trip than I have for any other so no unexpected issues occur.  Since a large chunk of this trip will consist of hiking, I’m even more concerned about going alone.  A 20 something girl in the woods of Oregon alone without anyone to hear her scream…

Yes, melodramatic — but it does sound like the beginning to a horror film.

While nerves are definitely there, the excitement of a new adventure far outweighs any other feelings.  I cannot wait to explore Portland!  Explore the city, try some local craft beer, and see some gorgeous sights along my way!

But…that’s not all that’s new and exciting!  Remember that job that doesn’t align with any of my goals?  Well, it got kicked to the curb yesterday!  Hello, new career!!  Hello amazing schedule!  Hello, life!  I cannot wait to start with The Nutrition Group!  I get to run student cafeterias, work with kids, talk about health and nutrition, all while getting nights, weekends, and holidays off!  I feel beyond blessed, and couldn’t in my wildest dreams have imagined that  I, ME!!, would get this dream schedule!

Life is one incredible journey!  So many reasons to be thankful and excited for what life has in store.  I can’t wait to see what else my life brings me!  But for now, I will impatiently wait for October to get here, for it brings so much happiness!!


Sunday Recap!

Whew!  Another week done!  I’m pretty proud of myself this week.  I’ve taken a lot of steps forward for my future and I’m looking forward to what these steps will bring me to!  As for my goals this week, I didn’t do too bad!  Let’s recap:

  • Continue doing well with cookies! One month strong!!!
  • Water.  5 bottles need to be consumed every day.  Set alarms. Write notes.  Do something to make sure you get 5 bottles in every day minimum!
  • Continue working on staying positive when negative and stressful situations arise.  This weekend will have plenty of them, so be prepared for it!
  • Follow your meal plan.  You have it for a reason.  Follow it!  Plan ahead for the busy days!  Make sure that the food you take with you doesn’t necessarily need to be heated up or cooked.  Make it so you can eat it cold if you need to!  Take all of the effort out of the equation!  No excuses!  Resist temptation and remember WHY you’re doing this!

Still no cookies for this gal! I almost caved today, however.  I thought, what does one bite of a cookie really matter?  I had my hands on it, ready to break off a piece when that little voice in my head basically slapped the cookie out of my hands!  No WAY am I going to ruin this streak I have going!  Cookies are my trigger.  If I eat one, I’ll end up eating bad the rest of the day, if not longer.

Water has definitely improved this week!  I’ve stared adding the juice from half a lemon into my water in the mornings, and that makes it so much easier for me to chug a glass first thing.  Then I have my BCAA’s (Branch Chain Amino Acids) which adds another glass throughout my day.  I also found these awesome little tablets that dissolve in water (almost look like an antacid tablet) and flavor it while turning it a little bubbly.  They’re called Nuun Tablets, and you all should look them up!  They have all different flavors and they only have 10 calories and 4 grams of carbs.  They are super clean, and all about keeping you hydrated.  I love them!  It has really helped me to keep drinking throughout the day!

Positivity hasn’t been lacking, but it hasn’t been in the forefront either.  It’s been a really exhausting week at work, but I’ve been able to keep my chin up through it all.  I can’t say I’m radiating positive energy, but I’m definitely not being a negative Nancy!

As for my meal plan…I’ve gotten better!  I had a realization this week that I pick french fries way too much at work.  I mean…how can someone resist fresh fries??  I made it a priority all weekend not to touch the fries, and I am so excited to say that I followed my meal plan 98% perfectly all three days!  So if I can avoid fries and cookies at work, I should be pretty damn on top of my food intake!  WOOHOO!!!!

So what are this weeks goals you ask??

  • Continue doing well with avoiding cookies, but add french fries in to the mix as well.
  • Continue drinking 5 bottles of water every day!  Nuun tablets for the win!
  • Keep it positive.
  • Work three high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts into my weekly routine.  This will help me lean out some since I hate doing cardio.

Here are a few photo check ins from this week as well!  I don’t do ANYTHING with the scale.  I don’t care what that number says.  It’s just your relationship to gravity.  Anything can make that number fluctuate.  I care about how I FEEL and how I PROGRESS each week!  I am totally pro selfie.  It is so helpful taking progress pictures to see how much you have grown over the weeks!
